
Mentoring, Workshops, & Retreats (top of this page)

Veronique’s creative work (please scroll down towards the bottom of this page)

Veronique’s mentoring, workshops and retreats:

‘Veronique’s unique blend of knowledge and intuition is pure gold’. Mary Stephens, Sussex. (Mentee 2021-2023)


how did you know my mentoring work was right for you?

It was at a time when I felt very stuck and not knowing how to move on – and your approach was insightful and probing without being prescriptive and goal orientated which is something I have never responded well to. Your holistic and spiritual insight was also important to me.

what does it do for you now that you’re living with it and its effects?

I feel it has generated a new way of thinking – to enquire and “be” with myself without being harsh and critical. To be aware of the patterns I fall into and my reticence to look at aspects of my thinking and behaviour.

what, if any thing, has changed or happened in your life because of my mentoring work? 

I feel more forgiving towards myself and in turn this enables me to look constructively at my behaviour and to trust my instincts and gut.  

It has been a stormy year or so for me and I am grateful and appreciate “the holding” which, historically I have been reticent to receive. 

A T Morgan, Musician, Writer, (Mentee) London UK 2019-2023


“I’m feeling truly blessed and grateful to have met you Veronique and to have received all the wonderful things you taught me. Thank you again for your loving encouraging presence which continues to be with me even years after working with you.“  Melony, (Mentee) Surrey. 2022


Veronique is a brilliant tutor. With her gentle but perceptive guidance I came to realise that the process of creation is the important thing not the outcome. That is something that I intuitively knew but had not put into words before. Maybe that’s why I like my sketchbook better than my finished pieces. Veronique has given me the structure to help me develop my creative practice and the confidence to explore. Thank you. Penny L. Researcher. London. (Course participant on ‘The Authentic Creative Self – Finding Your Power’ @ West Dean College 2021)


“As a successful and pretty sceptical business woman, I was hesitant about attending a one day course at West Dean purporting to help me reach the ‘authentic me’ and develop my creativity. How glad I was that I went nonetheless! Within a very short time, I had total trust in the course leader, Veronique Maria, and had already discovered an aspect of myself I did not know existed. By the end of the day – quite a roller coaster for myself and the other attendees – I knew I had indeed explored a crucial part of myself barely acknowledged before. When asked to express my reaction at the end of the course, all I could say was a hugely heartfelt ‘thank you’ to Veronique. This is one very talented lady – deeply caring and empathetic – who knows exactly how to create a safe and welcoming place for all on her courses. She is extremely well trained and qualified (I do urge anyone considering Veronique’s courses to check her out …and nothing phases her. Since taking Veronique’s course, I am much more self aware – and more genuinely confident of my own skills and abilities. Its so easy to go through life (especially perhaps as a woman) feeling you are not the real McCoy. What the course did for me was put me in touch with a deep seated strength and optimism that I know will help empower the next phase of my life. As anyone reading this can see – I simply cant praise Veronique’s courses more highly and hope that she manages to reach a good many others on this planet who are sorely in need of her services. This is not New Age mumbojumbo. It is a unique form of counselling cum spiritual leadership (non religious) that goes straight to the universal core in each one of us. NOT TO BE MISSED is my sincere advice.” Patricia Kerr/Managing Director: Kerr-Ingram, (The Authentic Creative Self – Finding Your Voice @ West Dean College)


“I felt really frustrated when I first met Veronique but as a result of her unique client centered approach to coaching and sharing her insights and wisdom I am much more fulfilled in my work and relationships. If you are looking to unlock your creativity and evoke transformation in your life I would strongly recommend Veronique as your coach.” Judith Cardiff (Mentee 2016-2020)


“Veronique has mentored me through every stage of a recent Arts Council Funded project, from writing the proposal, through the creative working process, to preparing for the final evaluation. I have felt held and supported every step of the way. She has listened, encouraged, questioned, challenged and reassured me in just the right amounts. She has brought me to a space where I am comfortable in myself and confident about my work – in practical terms, on an emotional level, and as a professional step up from where I was before. She has helped me keep my focus and clarify my thought process, going beyond just the work itself, looking at the bigger picture, but always with a view to how the rest of life impacts on the work. I can’t thank her enough, it’s been an amazing process.” KS, Visual Artist. UK (Mentee 2016-2023)


“It was the most wondrous experience to to be tutored by your ‘positive energy’ & ‘knowledge insight’. My preconceived thoughts were diminished as you delivered a course which answered all, and extended to that which opened my self-confidence; to be intuned and at one with my inner creative-self at its core. It’s one thing to be tutored by someone who knows their stuff, but another to have a beautiful person who’s inner richness can reach out and add vibrant colouration and zest to one’s inner core.” Clive Dennis Cole South Downs National Park UK (Participant on workshop – The Authentic Creative Self – Finding Your Voice @ West Dean College)


“I was unsure when I booked what to expect from the workshop, but I have to say I was amazed. Veronique engaged the group so well, with such interest and kindness that everyone was allowed to explore and to start to unlock their true voice. I left the course with my mind buzzing, I was still thinking about it for days. I have recommended it as essential for all the artists, writers and creatives I know. The content of the course works perfectly for all creators. I never felt disadvantaged through not having a visual art background.”  Andy Cliff, (Writer UK ) 


“Veronique’s insight quite literally changed the course of my life. She helped me recognize the importance of making decisions rooted in and on behalf of my artistic self, and because5 of her, I was able to delve back into a book project that I’d left dormant for years.” Elizabeth T, Writer. Minneapolis. USA


“The weekend, for me, was a profound and moving experience that allowed the space and time to further understand myself and my creativity. Thank you Veronique for providing a safe, positive and encouraging environment within which I was able to explore some very fundamental aspects of my creative process. I now feel able to acknowledge how important my art is to me and because of this I am beginning to take myself seriously as an artist. This is a major step forward for me.I am truly grateful. With all best wishes Jude” Jude Pearson, Artist (Course participant on ‘The Authentic Creative Self – Finding Your Voice’, West Dean College)


“Great workshop. I felt so much better afterwards. Partly rest, partly being in your beautiful space, partly the company of other interesting women. The course enabled a ‘revelation’ and I came away feeling very satisfied. I could really see your quiet skill shining through. It was heartening to witness.” Anna Gillespie, Artist/Sculptor, Bath. (Course participant on ‘Letting Go’ – A one day Retreat/workshop West Sussex)


“Since your course at West Dean ‘Finding Your Inner Creative Self’, I have started painting and can’t seem to stop. Thank you – it really got me started doing something wonderful.” Clair Payne x (Participant on workshop – The Authentic Creative Self – Finding Your Voice @ West Dean College)


‘It was the first time I’ve been on a course where I haven’t felt like I had to do what everybody else was doing, and could be true to myself. There was a constant feeling of support from Veronique’s gentle approach that allowed the group to be open and for people to be uninhibited in exploring ideas. The course really helped me gain confidence in following my ideas in the new direction I was going. Suitable for all creative disciplines, I would thoroughly recommend the course for anyone at a crossroads in their creative practice or who wants to find out more about their inner self.’ Francis Vigars, Artist (The Authentic Creative Self – Finding Your Voice, West Dean College)


“The 5 day course at West Dean was profound and intense. Dropping down through meditation to inner spaces that I do not normally make time to visit, I discovered value by deliberately setting aside cognitive critical judgement & allowing authentic creative expression to reveal itself. It was also a privilege to bear witness to the process of others in the group. Altogether a great start to reconnecting with my ‘authentic creative self’ “. Hannah Bone, Sussex (The Authentic Creative Self – Finding Your Power, West Dean College )


Another nurturing treat. I feel SO nourished. Thank you so much.” Tiffany Robinson, Artist, West Sussex. (The Authentic Creative Self – Finding Your Power, West Dean College Chichester)


“You’ve enriched my thinking and being. Thanks seems such a lame word for a powerful gift you’ve given me! ”   Jenny Carr, Writer, Chichester. (The Authentic Creative Self – Finding Your Power, West Dean College)


“Veronique is a very perceptive and caring person who you immediately feel you can trust which makes it easy to dig deep and explore whatever it is that has brought you to her. She has helped me to be more confident in embracing life as an artist and to appreciate that all my decisions come from a deeply rooted belief in my creative self. Our sessions together were always enjoyable, great discussions punctuated with playful visual exercises and a sense of being nurtured which has helped me to understand myself better and how my creative practice is part of a bigger picture.” Kas W Artist, Southsea. (Mentee 2017 and Course participant – Retreat-Workshop West Sussex)


“I remember the very first time I spoke to Veronique. She asked me to imagine my ideal, my dream and to imagine big. Largely due to that first conversational prompt I successfully won a major grant and was already on a very different footing. When I achieve everything I’ve dreamt of for my practise I’ll know that talking to Veronique was key.” Stephanie Smart (Mentee 2016-2021)


“A treat to be gently guided to explore my creative self, and gather seeds for growth and  expression.” Jackie Garstin, Visual Artist Chichester UK (Retreat-Workshop Participant West Sussex)


“Coming home barefoot with soul open to the elements is how I felt after working with Veronique recently. (Attending ‘Experimental Drawing through Engagement with Materials – Clay and Chalk’ – West Dean College, Chichester, West Sussex)


I had found myself nose to a wall unable to move when I allowed myself to listen…..to listen to the silence that held the voice I needed……Veronique enabled this. Her perception and understanding of the individual needs within us to connect to ourselves is a real gift, one I feel honoured to have received and bound to re-release as and when I am able……may I always know that feeling of ‘home’ she provided”. Sarah Fenner, Managing Director, Creative Response, South East. (Regular Course and Retreat Participant)


“I appreciate Veronique’s sensitivity and ability to be tuned into who I am and what I need to enable my work to emerge.” Jacquie (Artist, Worthing)


“Veronique Maria’s course gave me the confidence, stimulus and time I needed to make work again after a long break. Her innovative, thoughtful group activities acted as a jumping off point for new work. Veronique encouraged us to take risks within a supportive environment. I enjoyed the mix of working together and then pursuing my own ideas. All in all it was an inspiring and immersive week of exploring materials and playing with new ideas.” Lorna (Artist – West Dean College, Chichester, West Sussex)


“Spending a week with Veronique Maria and 9 other students was a gift to us all. Veronique is incredibly gifted at helping individuals to reach a place inside themselves that builds calm and confidence in their ability and inner voice to create… I found myself totally immersed in the days that we all spent together making collective and individual work that I felt was honest and joyful.” Deborah Laidlaw (Student at West Dean College, Chichester, West Sussex)


“The course with Veronique really worked for me.  I appreciated Veronique’s sensitivity and ability to be tuned into who I am and what I needed – being with each of us individually and supporting us in connecting with what would enable our work to emerge.” JG (Student / Artist and Student at West Dean College and Artist)


Veronique’s creative work:


“There’s something so heartwarming and uplifting about your sharing every stage of a painting. A metaphor for life! The highs and lows. The excitement, fear and release. I needed it today. Thank you for your support in every part of my life. And for your inspiration. Sharing your work, living your life, as wholeheartedly as you do. Thank you. “  Katie, Artist, Sussex.


“Unity: – I really like the way you’ve rendered the film almost like an animation, even to the point of abstraction- the sound of the leaves interspersed works really well, as does the black-and-whiteness. Vast:- I enjoyed the imagery and I liked the silence with the water. Dedication:- this seems to ‘fit’ with the concept of your work – and of your being – in as much as I know it. Maybe a little didactic as an artwork, but still enjoyable. Come to Me:- this works well – like a slightly more subtle version of Dedication. I Cannot Help How My Heart Feels:- I love the music and imagery of this and find it very cohesive as a whole. Come to Me- I prefer the silence version, personally, but can see that this is ‘more of an artwork’ – the whispering does work well. Bleeding Hearts:- definitely my favourite!- I love both the music and the kaleidoscopic imagery and they fit perfectly together- I would even rewatch this one! (Despite video art not being my thing) It fits your (gratitude mandala) paintings too, which is nice – hypnotising and beautiful- I love how the field of flowers becomes the kaleidoscope- made me think a little of Pipilotti Rist. Overall, I definitely found this series of videos more enjoyable than most ‘video art’ I’ve seen. I’m not entirely sure I’d stop if passing in a gallery, but that’s just me. If I did, I think I’d be captivated enough to stay and watch to the end, especially if it was labelled that they were only as long as they are (very important factor for me – to know how long something is!). Bleeding Hearts would DEFINITELY capture my attention with both the music and imagery and make me stop.” Anna McNay (art historian, writer, critic)

“I found Bleeding Hearts very engaging, especially on close viewing and listening time and again. The combination of music and Veroniques visual talents evoked feelings of raw passion to whispering delicacy, outer and inner journey. I have known the work of Veronique for many years and have always been impressed and excited by the way she challenges the way she works, as a solo artist and in combination. This DYCP project is yet another successful move forward.” Penny Lloyd (retired university support advisor)

“Watched the Bleeding Hearts film v2 and the show reel of four short pieces.  Initial feelings/experiences: found the Bleeding hearts mesmerising and very easy to lose myself in and slightly scary…wanting to let go into it. The show reel beautiful and medative. Gorgeous and full (but that doesn’t feel quite right the right phrase maybe sensual like a delicious meal! ) I imagine both would be great as large installations…somewhere like the one of the Tate galleries. Amazing beautiful work Veronique.” Sujhayini 

Breathtaking. That’s how I feel about this work. I really loved the structure of the piece as well” HeatherJane Smith 

“Ooohh. Super clever! Mesmerising kaleidoscope effects! I am very impressed.” Lake Beckley 

“Mesmerizing. I love it!” Paul Phillips 

“Wow! Just been watching yr YouTube video. OMG….wonderful! It’s beautifully done. Very well composed. I felt myself ‘sinking’ into the visuals! Absolutely brilliant! Well done girl….you’ve learnt so much this year!!! I loved it” Jo Simpkin. 

“Wow Veronique!!!  Breathtakingly beautiful and moody, you are such a very talented artist and on top of that the skill as well to not only take fabulous photos but to take these gorgeous photos and make them into feelings.“ Carol Hunt 

“Veronique’s most recent videos communicate the truth that everything is movement, our experience of ourselves and our world is never still. Energy moves in a never ending flow from one form to another. The images laid on top of one another, the double exposures, feel like metaphors for how our perception of anything is always overlaid with memories, expectations and interpretations. Ever changing pattern is all experience ever is. 
When I relax into the patterns it feels as if everything is flowing effortlessly from a never ending source. 
Vajradarshini, Buddhist teacher and creator at Red Ladder Studio, (UK & Sweden)

“I loved your film! I appreciated your take on the precepts, it was an effective and warm hearted evocation of the path of ethics. The grasses are such a beautiful image of impermanence and tenderness.” Vajrasakhi Psychotherapist, supervisor and trainer. (UK)


“VASTThe whole video communicates the truth that everything is movement, our experience of ourselves and our world is never still. Energy moves in a never ending flow from one form to another. 
The images laid on top of one another, the double exposures, feels like a metaphor for how our perception of anything is always overlaid with memories, expectations and interpretations. 
There’s a section in the middle of the video where I don’t know what I am seeing or hearing. My mind is desperate to fix the sensations to something I recognise. It’s so hard to be with the unknown. It could be so many things, water, sky, sand. But what it is is an ever changing pattern and that’s all experience ever is. 
In the last section my mind recognises water, I relax. It’s quiet and it feels like it’s flowing effortlessly from a never ending source. 
Vajradarshini, Buddhist teacher and creator at Red Ladder Studio, (UK)

‘Life Death Sex GOOD!’  Maggie Hambling (Artist UK)

“Wonderful. It’s all there….” Sir Antony Gormley (artist, UK) in response to Veronique’s practice 1976-2006 (mentored Veronique 2016)

‘Veronique’s work arouses and confounds the viewers expectations in equal measure. Beauty and intrigue are apparent in the large canvases and smaller works. These are emotive works that conjure up mysteries both physical and metaphysical. I’ve been impressed by her development as a painter. Her confidence in handling materials and new found compositional awareness is allowing her to communicate her deep felt passions, relating to thoughts and a real sense of place. A journey is unfolding that will test viewers preconceptions and take Painting another step forward.’ Prof. Danny Rolph, Artist – MA (Veronique’s mentor 2007-11) London UK

‘Your description of the creative process could not have been better said. I loved it. I just woke up and read it and I was filled with joy and admiration. You made my day! I shall revel in your words and revisit your images as the day unfolds. Thank you so much for sharing your heartfelt expression of the creative process.’ Michael Knight (Director Helen Wurlitzer Foundation USA. Veronique Mentor 2012-13)

‘Great use of material and I like that you really get your body into the process and aren’t afraid to get down and dirty.’  Ross Bleckner (Artist USA) in response to video Orogeny

‘Dear Veronique, Fortunately we are on the mailing list for the Horsham Arts Centre so we received your card which so excited us but seeing your exhibition was a really stimulating and rewarding experience for us both. As a creative artist myself (painter turning into a multi media explorer and Ros is a weaver and spinner) one is always hoping to be moved and excited by exhibitions – it so rarely happens. So much art these days seems to be art products. To confront your new awareness of form and sensibilities to materials and experiences of love and joy in creating was….. well…. THANK YOU! ART DOES add to the world! All best John and Ros Hitchens (artists Petworth)

‘I have known Veronique’s work since 2004 and have been struck by its range and depth, in relation to both a fearless exploration of media and a commitment to a developing personal vision. Veronique’s is a searching practice, through which she seeks to explore and express to others her profound feeling of connection to environment and an overarching sense of the numinous in daily life. These preoccupations have led her to ask fundamental questions about the boundaries and locations of art, through actions and objects. In Veronique’s practice, the world is also the body and the land is also a shrine. I feel that she has a great deal to offer. She has my highest recommendation.’  Simon Grennan (Artist, Mentor, Manchester, UK. (Veronique’s Mentor 2003-2006, and 2021-22)

A fabulous piece of work Veronique, this (Video) could easily become my daily dedication. I love it. thank you.’ SJC, Business Owner, West Sussex, UK )

‘Bloody hell, Veronique! You’ve done it again. The way you describe this process is awesome, in the old sense. Even as I was reading it, I could hear a song in almost every line. Whenever I try to describe process, it comes out pedestrian, literally step by step, literal. What you describe is the feeling, and it’s so poetic it makes me envious.And the drawing, obviously, lives up to the process. I hope to see them in the flesh sometime.” Paul P (Musician/Writer Brighton UK)

“Veronique Maria has a remarkable ability to transform vision and feelings into two and three dimensions. Her large scale paintings are complex, compelling, and have potential to mystify and challenge.” Lorraine O’Reilly (Education Consultant, UK, Patron/collector 2008-2009)

‘Veronique Maria is a fabulous performance – site specific artist who’s work is very beautiful, accessible and compelling. It is simply terrific and ought to be seen by as wide an audience as possible.’ Peter London (Teacher, artist, author, lecturer, consultant, USA, Veronique’s Mentor 2006)

‘Fantastique! You have gone to the very center/heart of this thing we now call art. And the reporting of your journey to the center, Your center, is simply exhilarating.’ Peter London. (Artist – Educator USA) 2010

‘I have met many visual artists during my time as Director of The Ark and recognize that Veronique has something special.’ Eina McHugh (Director Lárionad Cultúir na Leanaí Dublin, Ireland)

“Veronique Maria’s art work is compelling because of the variation. Some of it is like raw, open wounds filled with emotion that makes you take a second look at the naked realism. If I compared it to a voice, it would be like the first time I heard Janis Joplin. I had never heard such vulnerability before. That is how I see her work. Then suddenly she will create a lovely, surreal image. Both are delightful but the dichotomy is fascinating.” Jacqueline Hairgrove (Business Owner –Property Management USA)

“That work (RAW) was amazing. Thank you. I’m so happy I left it until I had time to truly read it and digest. It’s very powerful. You took me from almost laughing at the appearance of the spider to tears within seconds. It was a very clever emotional shake up. It’s a great idea to have the preamble too. All I can say is… You’d better be truly ready to give us the full ROAR… As that is what you are promising us. I’m really excited to see and hear this stuff. I think the world needs you –I think it’s perfect.” Kieron O’Meara, Elecrician, London

‘My dear Veronique , you are simply great. You are fantastic!! Carry on with your creation and message – world needs it so badly. In this world where the wonderful religions divide humanity, this is the level where humanity has arrived……….artists like you are rays of hope ………. carry on. The intensity of inherent (though buried and covered) love love love (like the red hot molten lava in the core of mother earth) in human beings will, one day, surely, explode and bring the great change in our hearts ……….. theology has not progressed at all it seems. All the best…. I love you.’Baniprosonno (Artist/Painter Himalayas)

‘This is a most beautiful and inspiring piece of writing.’
JA (PP Practitioner)

‘Stunning! I have loved reading and rereading it.’ Elaine J (CTI Leadership/Co founder of The Beauty Way USA. Veronique’s Leadership Coach and Mentor 2010-13)

‘Veronique Maria is a talented, passionate and committed artist and is constantly challenging herself to advance her way of thinking and expressing herself. She has much to offer and her generosity of spirit often seems limitless, especially in relation to her art.’  Samantha Cairns (Consultant, Mexico City)

“I have just read RAW and it was beautiful and inspiring and alive and RAW. It made me cry but cry for so many different reasons, feelings and ghosts in my soul. You are an amazing woman and thank you for sharing that. What courage and honesty.” Helen Willoughby, East Sussex

‘I so enjoyed ‘I cannot help how my hear feels’. I LOVED the movement through the grasses – I was so absorbed I almost stopped breathing! And the beautiful repetition. The water/bubbles literally took my breath away and felt as If I was drowning! Took me time to balance myself. Then the repetition and the beautiful flower gave me hope… and then the calm then end. So I FELT it. I felt pain and love.. and hope. It took me back years to a poem I had written’ Freya (Artist, Teacher UK)

‘…the most sensual , erotic and beautiful pieces I’ve seen.’ 
Allie Carter (Physiotherapist, Management Consultant in Health Care, UK)

‘Congratulations on your video ‘I cannot help what my heart feels’. It is wonderful and very resonant of the compassion practices I am doing at the moment for an Msc in Mindfulness and Compassion. The pace of the repeating images was just perfect and I resonated so much with the overlaying and repetition as well as the simple observation of the beauty both observed externally at the same time as being experienced within.’ Barbara B (Teacher, artist, author, lecturer UK)

“I was scanning your website on my phone, and thought – I’ve got to see this work on my laptop … I need to see it BIGGER! Veronique your work is incredible. The textures really speak to me. Textured Mandala’s! Good grief I absolutely loved those. The volcano inside/outside. The rebirth. I’m not versed in “Art Speak’ or translating art so won’t try here but to say you are extremely talented.I particularly like your video medium art. Moving Practice .. the sounds really cut into me. Watching all of your videos now – amazing. Thank you! Your art is substantial –watching it made me want to get inside it. I’ve never felt that way about art before. How funny. “The Shuffling … Losing the thing that made sense, in order to find something else!” B R I L L I A N T. Oooofph. Seeing an artist explain their work is revelation. It’s new. I really like how it made me feel. There’s more! Haha … Veronique – I’m watching Moving Painting 2013 now. I felt the most extraordinary auditory effect as you morph edited at 2.41 into the blurred close-up of the flowers in the water. I LOVE auditory effects – It was the wind being picked up, almost a subliminal sound effect. Great! I love the overlaying of images. The sound. It’s fab. I’ve never had such a visceral response when looking at art before.This is cool. I now like art in a way that I never had before. ” Trae Righton (previously TV producer, currently novel writer working on her first book. St Petersburg, Russia.)

‘Wow, Veronique. You may have had trouble organising your thoughts for writing poetry, but here you have certainly managed to convey the inner turmoil that goes with being both a creative individual and – more prosaically – simply a human being. “Who would I be when I had nothing, made nothing?” That question resonates absolutely with me, and, I’m sure, with anyone who is honest enough to look at their life and strip away the job, the relationships, the house etc.’ Paul P (singer, song writer, writer London/Brighton UK)

“She’s the real thing. A real artist.” Peter London (Artist, educator and guide USA)

“I am blown away. It is phenomenal!” Beccy LG (Property Sales Consultant/Business Owner, East Sussex. UK)

‘I am fascinated by the Vanita and the depth and power of your work.’ 
Dinah Lawson (accountant, esoteric healer, educator UK)

‘Thank you for articulating so well some of my deepest instincts’. GP (Artist, Curator, Gallery Owner, London UK) in response to video Rituals. 

“Veronique – You are so brave to put yourself out in the public domain and to share your innermost thoughts and feelings as you did with RAW. It is at times of adversity and sorrow that we find ourselves to be at our most creative and strong. As long as you keep that channel open, the grief has to go somewhere and where better than to transform it into a beautiful work of art. I was touched by your poem, it reminds me of what I am not and what I aspire to be once again. x” KD Visual Artist, Norfolk/Suffolk UK

‘Veronique’s practice as an artist has blossomed and matured. Exciting collaborations and residences in Iceland have imbued herwork with a sense of elemental, suppressed force. There is a sense of geothermal devastation mixed with the creeping rebirth of lichens and flora in this work.’ Belinda Holden (artists mentor and consultant, UK)

“Your film ‘I cannot help what my heart feels’ reminded me of a couple of things…‘One of Those Days In England’ a song from the seventies..
‘One of those days in England with a sword in every pond And birds in every garden in the land One of those days in England when the passion never ends A slowly moving season by the fire of my friends.’ The other was a day I spent with a girlfriend lying by the river Chess in the English sun. All I could hear was the water, the insects and her breathing.’ It’s 4.30am I’ve watched it twice and I want to lie in a field and stare at the clouds.”
 Robert H (Music/Video Artist, Australia)

As usual, your narrative and way of documenting your work and processes draws us into it, effortlessly…in the midst of other occupations and myriad things that compete for attention, we want to stop and linger in this special space that you create.’ Carolina D. (Dancer/Artist Worthing)

‘Veronique, your artwork is the nicest thing in our house. It is talked about by everyone who comes in. It just is so peaceful and makes me feel happy. Thank you SO much.’ Claire Curran (PR and Events Planner, UK)

‘You must know the complements from the canvas that my parents have at home is unreal. I have not walked into the house without a friend who hasn’t seen it and complemented it!!!‘ Gracie Curran (Entertainment Management UK)

‘Your presence and integrity shines through’. Andrew Machon (International Change Management Consultant and Coach, based UK and Spain)